Nyad: A Journey of Triumph and Determination

In their captivating narrative feature debut, Academy Award-winning filmmakers Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin have brought to life the extraordinary story of Diana Nyad’s epic 110-mile swim from Cuba to Florida. This remarkable achievement was chronicled in a highly anticipated biopic that premiered on Netflix, leaving audiences in awe of Nyad’s determination and resilience.

The Background Story

A decade after becoming the first person to swim from Havana, Cuba, to Key West, Florida, without the protection of a shark cage, Diana Nyad’s incredible journey has been brought to the screen in a biographical drama titled “Nyad.” Adapted by Julia Cox from Nyad’s memoir, “Find a Way,” and directed by the husband-and-wife duo, Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin, this crowd-pleasing sports film captures the later-in-life triumph of a charismatic but somewhat divisive long-distance swimmer.

Three decades after retiring from marathon swimming to pursue a career in sports journalism, Nyad found herself fixated on the challenge that had eluded her in her younger years. In 2013, at the age of 64, she embarked on her fifth attempt to swim the grueling 110-mile stretch from Cuba to Florida, a journey that lasted 53 hours. This remarkable feat solidified her status as one of the most accomplished swimmers in her discipline.

A Dream That Never Faded

In an interview provided by Netflix, Nyad shared, “The Cuba to Florida swim was a dream that never left me and was always in the back of my mind. There was something powerful about connecting these two countries. When I didn’t make it at 28, I spent a year waiting for visas and the right weather to try again, ultimately becoming so exasperated that I decided to start my broadcasting career and leave the Cuba swim behind. I was living my life large, but I always held the Cuba swim in a corner of my imagination. That epic adventure was always drawing me, and I didn’t want to leave it in a pile of regrets.”

Filmmakers with a Passion for Extraordinary Stories

Vasarhelyi and Chin, renowned for their Academy Award-winning documentary “Free Solo,” as well as other acclaimed works like “Meru” and “The Rescue,” have always been captivated by the stories of athletes pushing themselves to the limits of their sport. In “Nyad,” they recognized an opportunity to tell a unique story of human ambition that expanded their repertoire of documentary work.

Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi mentioned in an interview with NBC News, “I think that this film does set itself apart because it is about a woman’s experience. After making so many nonfiction films, it was a really fun challenge to think about, ‘How do you tell a true story in narrative fiction? Are there truths you can bring that you don’t have access to in nonfiction?'”

Casting and Dedication

For their narrative feature debut, the creative team decided to cast Annette Bening, a four-time Academy Award nominee, as Diana Nyad, and Jodie Foster, a two-time Oscar winner, as her best friend turned coach, Bonnie Stoll. The film’s production journey wasn’t without its challenges. After Netflix acquired the rights in early 2021, the production start date was delayed by nine months to avoid hurricane season in the Dominican Republic. This delay, as it turned out, was a blessing in disguise, giving Bening and Foster additional time to delve deeper into their characters and undergo physical transformations.

Both actresses, at the age of 64, committed themselves wholeheartedly to their roles. Jimmy Chin recalled Bening’s dedication, “She told us that she was swimming every day, and then when she showed up and she swam across the tank that we were shooting in, we were just floored — everybody, including the stunt team. Her stroke was beautiful. Her body had transformed; she looked like an Olympic swimmer, and we just were so moved by that commitment.”

Cinematic Brilliance

Given that a significant portion of the film’s dramatic tension unfolds in the water, Vasarhelyi and Chin collaborated closely with Claudio Miranda, an Oscar-winning cinematographer known for his work on “Life of Pi” and “Top Gun: Maverick.” Together, they aimed to create swimming sequences that felt visceral and distinctive.

Chin explained, “We wanted to push the cinematography; we wanted to shoot swimming in a way that had never been shot before. We tried to shoot big and expansive to give people a sense of the scope and scale of the environment she was in, but we also wanted to shoot something intimate that brought people into Diana’s internal struggle.”


In “Nyad,” audiences are treated to a gripping and inspiring story of determination, triumph, and the unbreakable spirit of Diana Nyad. Her incredible journey, brought to life by Vasarhelyi and Chin, showcases the power of human ambition and the enduring pursuit of one’s dreams.


What challenges did Diana Nyad face during her historic swim from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage?

Diana Nyad encountered numerous challenges during her historic swim, including unpredictable weather conditions, treacherous currents, and the constant threat of jellyfish stings. She also had to battle fatigue and mental exhaustion, making her achievement even more remarkable.

How did Diana Nyad’s background in sports journalism influence her decision to attempt the epic swim at the age of 64?

Diana Nyad’s career in sports journalism allowed her to stay connected to the world of athletics and inspired her to revisit her dream of swimming from Cuba to Florida. Her experience in the field provided her with insights into the world of sports and the resilience of athletes, which played a significant role in her decision to pursue the challenge.

What were the critical and audience reactions to the biopic “Nyad” after its Netflix premiere?

The critical and audience reactions to “Nyad” were overwhelmingly positive. The film received acclaim for its compelling storytelling, remarkable performances, and stunning cinematography. Viewers were particularly moved by the dedication of the cast and the portrayal of Diana Nyad’s incredible journey.

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