Dick Van Dyke’s Supermarket Serenade: A Star Turns Everyday Places into Stages

In a charming revelation during the Dick Van Dyke 98 Years of Magic tribute special on CBS, actress Jane Seymour shared an endearing anecdote about encountering the Hollywood legend at a local grocery store. According to Seymour, Van Dyke, known for his exuberant personality, transformed mundane errands into delightful performances.

Supermarket Serenade

Seymour described her surprise at seeing Dick Van Dyke at her neighborhood convenience store, turning it into his impromptu stage. She shared, “I would go to the local grocery store, pushing a trolley, and coming towards me I saw Dick Van Dyke. Well, of course, I wondered if it was really him, but then people would surround him, and he’d suddenly break out into a little song and dance.”

Everyday Theatrics

Van Dyke, at the age of 98, seems to find joy and amusement in the simplest of activities. Seymour revealed that the iconic actor explained his frequent visits to the grocery store, saying, “My wife always needs something. She sends me out every day.” Embracing the opportunity, Van Dyke turned the mundane chore into a lively performance, captivating those around him with spontaneous bursts of song and dance.

Friendship Beyond the Supermarket

Dick Van Dyke and Jane Seymour share a close friendship, having co-starred in the 2018 film “Buttons: A Christmas Tale.” The duo, despite their age difference, seems to share a camaraderie that goes beyond the silver screen. Seymour also mentioned Van Dyke’s talent for creating an elaborate Halloween haunted house, showcasing his passion for theatricality even in private life.

Staying Sharp at 98

As Dick Van Dyke approaches his 98th birthday, he shared with PEOPLE magazine one of his keys to staying sharp physically and mentally. Regular visits to the gym, encouraged by his wife Arlene Silver, keep him active. Van Dyke humorously remarked, “I think I’m in better shape than most of my fellow nonagenarians.”

A Mix of Joy and Reflectiveness

While the CBS tribute special celebrated Dick Van Dyke’s enduring magic and joy, it also touched on bittersweet moments. Van Dyke expressed sadness at outliving dear friends, including Norman Lear, who recently passed away at 101. Reflecting on the loss, he mentioned making new friends and the joy that people now come to him.

As the legendary entertainer continues to share his infectious joy and love for life, even a trip to the local supermarket becomes a stage, leaving an indelible mark on those lucky enough to witness the magic of Dick Van Dyke.

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