Ghana International Footballer Raphael Dwamena Dies Aged 28 After Collapsing on the Pitch

The world of football was struck by sorrowful news as Ghanaian international footballer Raphael Dwamena passed away at the age of 28 after collapsing during a match. Dwamena, a talented player representing Ghana on the international stage, met an untimely and tragic fate, leaving the football community in mourning.

Brief Background

Raphael Dwamena, a dedicated athlete, devoted a significant part of his life to football. His career spanned various countries, having played for clubs in Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, and his home country Ghana. Dwamena was recognized for his passion and commitment to the game.

Football Career

Dwamena’s journey in football was an inspiring one. He showcased his skills on multiple fronts, leaving an indelible mark in the sport. His presence on the field was characterized by resilience and talent, earning him a place in the hearts of fans and fellow players.

Announcement of Death

The tragic incident that led to Dwamena’s passing occurred during a match in the Albanian top division. While the details surrounding his death remain unofficial, the video footage captured the heart-wrenching moment when Dwamena collapsed on the pitch. Prompt medical attention was provided, but unfortunately, he could not be revived.

Lack of Official Details

The absence of official information regarding Dwamena’s sudden collapse has left many questions unanswered. The football world awaits clarification on the circumstances that led to this devastating event.

Previous Health Incident

Dwamena had faced a similar situation in 2021 during a match in the Austrian Cup. Although he recuperated and resumed playing, this tragic recurrence has stunned the football community.

Reactions and Tributes

The Ghana Football Association expressed heartfelt condolences to Dwamena’s family, acknowledging his unwavering dedication to the national team. Video footage of the incident circulated, drawing emotional responses from football enthusiasts worldwide. Former teams, including Levante, paid homage to Dwamena, highlighting his contribution to the sport.

Clubs Played For

Dwamena’s career spanned various clubs, signifying his versatility and skill in different football environments. His journey included stints in Spain, Switzerland, Austria, and Denmark, each contributing to his growth as a player.

Acknowledgment of Contributions

Raphael Dwamena’s impact on the football landscape goes beyond his playing days. His dedication, skill, and passion for the sport will be remembered, influencing aspiring athletes and leaving a lasting legacy.


The sudden loss of Raphael Dwamena has left an irreplaceable void in the football community. His dedication, resilience, and passion for the sport have touched the hearts of many and will be remembered as an inspiration to aspiring athletes worldwide.


What was the cause of Raphael Dwamena’s death?

The exact cause has not been officially disclosed; investigations are ongoing.

Which clubs did Raphael Dwamena play for during his career?

Dwamena played for clubs in Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, and Ghana’s national team.

Was this the first time Dwamena collapsed during a match?

No, there was a previous incident in 2021, but he recovered and continued playing.

How has the football community responded to Dwamena’s passing?

Tributes and condolences have poured in from various football associations and former teams.

What impact did Raphael Dwamena have on the sport?

His dedication and skill left a significant mark, influencing aspiring athletes and leaving a lasting legacy.

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