Unveiling the Royal Wedding: Sophie Winkleman’s Unexpected Revelations

Sophie Winkleman, the acclaimed Peep Show actor, recently shared intriguing details about her royal wedding. In an exclusive interview with Tatler, Winkleman confessed that she barely knew anyone in attendance at her nuptials. Married to Lord Frederick Windsor, the King’s second cousin, the 43-year-old actor disclosed that her mother-in-law, Princess Michael of Kent, orchestrated the entire event, right down to the choice of her wedding dress.

“I didn’t know anyone at my wedding,” Winkleman revealed. “My mother-in-law took full personal charge of it all and did it brilliantly, including what dress I was wearing.” Despite having her best pals present, the wedding was populated by unfamiliar faces, a consequence of Winkleman’s decision to avoid becoming a “bridezilla.”

An Unplanned Aisle Stroll and Apologetic Words

Winkleman candidly admitted that, at the time, she deliberately stayed aloof from wedding planning to sidestep the infamous bridezilla persona. Regrettably, looking back, she acknowledged that she should have played a more active role in organizing the affair. As she walked up the aisle, her first words to her husband, Lord Frederick Windsor, were an apologetic, “I’m so sorry about the hair.” His response, “Yes, what on earth have you done?” remains a humorous memory for the couple.

A Chance Encounter and a Fateful Connection

The story of Sophie Winkleman’s union with Lord Frederick Windsor is nothing short of serendipitous. The pair met 17 years ago on New Year’s Eve in Soho. Bonding over their simultaneous attempt to claim the same taxi, Windsor, 53rd in line for the throne, revealed himself as a devoted fan of Winkleman’s work in Peep Show. Little did she know, their chance encounter would blossom into a lasting connection.

A Royal Support System

Despite the challenges that come with royal life, Winkleman expresses admiration for the extended royal family. She describes them as “really fun, clever, kind people.” In times of adversity, she found solace in their support, especially after a car accident in 2017 left her with several broken bones. The royal family, including the then Prince Charles, extended their kindness by providing “lifesaving” meals twice a day for months.

A Thoughtful Queen and a Pool of Recovery

Reflecting on her recovery, Winkleman shared a touching encounter with the late Queen Elizabeth II. Advised by the Queen, she used the Buckingham Palace pool for therapeutic swimming. “She said, ‘We can’t have that. You have to go in the water,'” Winkleman recalled. The thoughtful gesture contributed significantly to her healing, showcasing the royal family’s considerate nature.

Living a Regular Life Amidst Royalty

Beyond the royal glamour, Winkleman and Windsor strive to lead ordinary lives. Windsor, employed at JP Morgan Chase, balances work and family life. The couple resides in London with their two daughters, aged ten and eight. Despite their royal connections, they cherish the simplicity of daily routines.

A Royal Conclusion

In conclusion, Sophie Winkleman’s revelations offer a unique peek into the intricacies of a royal wedding and life. Beyond the facade, her story unfolds as a blend of chance encounters, unexpected connections, and the unwavering support of a royal family. As she navigates the balance between celebrity and royalty, Winkleman continues to find joy in the ordinary, proving that amidst the grandeur, a touch of simplicity remains.


Q1: Who is Sophie Winkleman?

A1: Sophie Winkleman is a 43-year-old actor known for her role as “Big Suze” in the popular TV show Peep Show. She is married to Lord Frederick Windsor, the King’s second cousin.

Q2: Did Sophie Winkleman know anyone at her royal wedding?

A2: According to Winkleman, she barely knew anyone at her wedding. Her mother-in-law, Princess Michael of Kent, took charge of the event, leaving Winkleman with mostly unfamiliar faces.

Q3: Why did Sophie Winkleman avoid wedding planning?

A3: Winkleman aimed to avoid becoming a “bridezilla.” Desperate to sidestep the stereotype, she left the wedding planning to her mother-in-law, Princess Michael of Kent.

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