GOP Holdouts Persist as Jim Jordan Plows Ahead on House Speaker Vote


In the turbulent world of American politics, a storm is brewing within the Republican party as Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) pushes forward with his bid for the House speaker. Despite the odds stacked against him, Jordan remains determined, facing opposition from a small but resolute faction of Republicans who are committed to thwarting his aspirations. This article delves into the significance of this battle, the reasons behind the opposition, and the state of play as Jordan charges forward.

The High Stakes

The stakes are high in the battle for the House speaker position. With Republicans holding only a narrow majority in the House, every vote counts. The party can ill afford to lose support, especially when Democrats are unified behind Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y).

Conference Room Drama

House Republicans gathered for a conference meeting, providing a platform for Jordan to address concerns and attempt to garner support. However, despite his efforts, more than half a dozen Republicans remain steadfast in their decision to vote against Jordan. This is where the intrigue begins.

Deep-Seated Concerns

The reasons behind the opposition to Jordan’s bid are multifaceted. Some Republicans are still reeling from the removal of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), and this dissatisfaction influences their stance. Others are disheartened by the refusal of some Republicans to unify around Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) after he secured the party’s nomination for speaker.

Questioning the Past

Beyond these recent issues, there are deeper concerns that complicate Jordan’s bid. Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) emphasizes the need for Jordan to disavow the belief that Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Such lingering doubts continue to cast a shadow on the proceedings.

Diverging Choices

While Jordan faces a tough battle, there are various alternative choices within the Republican party. Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) and Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) have thrown their support behind Scalise. Diaz-Balart asserts, “We had an election last week, and we elected Steve Scalise.” This underlines the frustration of those who believe that the democratic process should be respected.

Reps. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) and Carlos Gimenez (R-Fla.) are siding with Kevin McCarthy, and Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) openly expresses his opposition to Jordan. The party is divided, making the outcome uncertain.

Victoria Spartz’s Perspective

Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.) advocates for a more cautious approach. She advises Jordan to work privately to secure the votes he needs rather than immediately resorting to a floor vote. If he falls short on the first ballot, she suggests that the best she can do is to “vote present.”

The Undecideds

Intriguingly, there are several undecided members within the party. Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R-Ore.), who represents a Biden-district, is open to listening to all sides and understanding the frustrations of her fellow Republicans. This ambiguity adds an element of unpredictability to the proceedings.

Tactics and Tensions

Tensions have flared within the party due to the alleged tactics employed by Jordan and his allies to sway those skeptical of his candidacy. Some Republicans, like Diaz-Balart, emphasize the importance of respectful engagement. Attempts at intimidation and pressure are counterproductive, further dividing the party.

Jordan’s Optimism

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, Jordan and his allies project an air of confidence. They anticipate that even if the vote goes through multiple ballots, Jordan will ultimately secure the gavel. Rep. Mike Garcia (R-Calif.) acknowledges the potential for multiple rounds but believes that the public pressure and the media’s watchful eye will make it harder for the opposition to persist.

The Countdown

As the showdown approaches, Jordan remains determined. He expresses the urgency of selecting a speaker, emphasizing the need for resolution. He has succeeded in winning over some of his detractors through conversations over the weekend and remains hopeful of securing more support before the vote.


The battle for the House speaker position is far from over, and it reveals the internal strife within the Republican party. As Jim Jordan forges ahead with his bid, the uncertainty and division loom large. The outcome of the upcoming vote will not only determine the party’s leadership but also reflect the ongoing polarization in American politics.


What is the role of the House speaker in American politics?

The House speaker is a critical leadership position in the U.S. House of Representatives. They preside over the House, set the legislative agenda, and play a pivotal role in shaping the direction of the party.

Why is there opposition to Jim Jordan’s bid for House speaker?

The opposition to Jim Jordan’s bid stems from various factors, including dissatisfaction with recent party decisions, disagreements over leadership, and unresolved issues surrounding the 2020 election.

What are the potential consequences of a divided Republican party in the House?

A divided Republican party in the House could lead to difficulties in passing legislation, hinder effective governance, and weaken the party’s overall position in the political landscape.

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