Remembering the Legacy of Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter

On Sunday, Nov. 19, at 2:10 p.m., the nation bid farewell to a remarkable figure, Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, at the age of 96. A passionate advocate for mental health, caregiving, and women’s rights, Mrs. Carter left an indelible mark on the nation and the causes she held dear. Let’s reflect on her extraordinary life, her contributions, and the legacy she leaves behind.

A Life of Partnership and Advocacy

Equal Partnerships: A Cornerstone of the Carter Legacy

Married for an impressive 77 years to Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, Rosalynn Carter was more than a First Lady; she was President Carter’s equal partner in every sense. In his words, “Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished.” Her wise guidance and unwavering support were instrumental in President Carter’s successes.

Family Ties: A Lasting Legacy

Survived by her four children — Jack, Chip, Jeff, and Amy — along with 11 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren, Mrs. Carter’s family reflects the enduring impact of her love and dedication. Despite the passing of a grandson in 2015, her legacy lives on through the generations she touched.

A Humanitarian and Advocate

Beyond First Lady: Rosalynn Carter’s Humanitarian Contributions

Chip Carter aptly describes his mother as not only a loving mother and extraordinary First Lady but also a great humanitarian. Her life of service and compassion set an example for all Americans. Through her efforts, many have better mental health care and improved access to caregiving resources today.

Memorial Events and Funeral Ceremonies

As the nation mourns the loss of a beloved figure, details regarding memorial events and funeral ceremonies will soon be made available. For those wanting to express condolences and contribute to Mrs. Carter’s legacy, the official tribute website,, offers an online condolence book, opportunities for memorial gifts, an official biography, and downloadable photos.

The Carter Center: Waging Peace, Fighting Disease, Building Hope

A Legacy of Impact: The Carter Center’s Global Contributions

Founded in 1982 by Former President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter in partnership with Emory University, The Carter Center stands as a testament to their commitment to advancing peace and health worldwide. As a not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization, it has positively impacted over 80 countries by resolving conflicts, advancing democracy and human rights, preventing diseases, and improving mental health care.


In conclusion, the passing of Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter leaves a void in the hearts of many, but her legacy of advocacy, compassion, and service will endure. As we reflect on her life, let us honor the impact she made on mental health, caregiving, and women’s rights. Mrs. Carter’s contributions will be remembered, and her spirit will continue to inspire generations to come.


Q1: What were Rosalynn Carter’s major contributions to mental health?

A1: Rosalynn Carter was a passionate advocate for mental health, working tirelessly to destigmatize mental illnesses and improve access to care.

Q2: How long was Rosalynn Carter married to President Jimmy Carter?

A2: Rosalynn Carter and President Jimmy Carter were married for an impressive 77 years, a testament to their enduring partnership.

Q3: What is the official tribute website for Rosalynn Carter?

A3: The official tribute website is, where you can find an online condolence book, opportunities for memorial gifts, an official biography, and downloadable photos.

Q4: What is the mission of The Carter Center?

A4: The Carter Center’s mission is to wage peace, fight disease, and build hope globally, with a focus on resolving conflicts, advancing democracy, and improving health care.

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